I can’t find the mean !!!
I don’t know them at all, so I’ll try googling. Then …

A dynamic page can build a site by loading the data on the net.

How is it different from the homepages before ?

It is like that the fixed page is a static site and the posting page is a dynamic site on WordPress. As the CMS is responsive, you can see it on both of PC and smartphone. This looks the more attractive to customers !

I don’t have to create two sites. Very good.
I’ll end up reading the endless explanations like — that I don’t understand it well (^ _ ^ ;. And sometimes I can be lied ( In the above, WordPress composes all the dynamic pages ). Even when I installed WordPress, I didn’t know how to operate it, then I had a tough time. It took me for a month only to put the menu bar on my site. This is a problem before trying to make money with affiliates.
Therefore, I would like to omit detailed explanations on this homepage as much as possible, and just focus on one point — how to build a site cheaply.
The image is to build it for free as much as possible at first, and then move to a paid luxury version after I can make money. However, there are many things that we must be done ( to go for free ) ……
I recommend you have a smartphone when you will build a site ( able to make it with smartphone ). Then you will face on the setting of the web hosting service is quite complicated. However, if your hosting service is excellent, it can be okay for your computer is a wreck even. Because WordPress is a web application that works fine as long as it is connected to the internet. It doesn’t matter whether you are a Windows user or a Mac user. Of course, Linux users are also OK.
My Using Computer

Operating Environment
Processor : Intel-i5 2.40Ghz ( 2gen, dual core )
Mounted RAM : 8GB
Storage : HDD ( 1.8 TB )
OS : Windows10 home ( originally Windows7 )
Office software : Office365

Internet Envionment
Provider ( ISP ) : not tell you (^_^;
Line : Optical communication
Web Hosting service : not tell you (^_^;

HP Creating Environment
Web application : WordPress
Theme : Cocoon
Security measures : Google Authenticator, Wordfence
Anyway, I let this site describe as using Windows 10, which is installed some Office software. I can recommend you buy a second-hand computer for internet use. Web applications can be run without any problems even on a computer which is more than 10 years before.
I chose WordPress for homepage builder because of the high degree of freedom. You can make anything cheaper and better quality than any other homepage builders.
I’ve been making my own site for about 5 years, from these experiences, I think it that making a homepage is not depended on knowledge but feeling. Knowledge can be managed by searching the internet easily.
If you can create a homepage with ” feels ” rather than ” thinks “, I’m sure you can make your homepage better.
— Build a homepage as you feel, then think about the plugins which required for this expression later.
I hope this site will help you create such a homepage.

Don’t think. Feel.