Monthly Reports ( April to July 2022 )

Coronavirus again. . .

In my job, when I proudly told that I could create a website almost free of charge using WordPress, my boss said to me, “Well, please make a new one for us.” Since then, I could not touch this website completely. Furthermore, I had to stay in bed on my days off due to my lower back pain, in addition, my business office was closed again due to the corona infection. . .

Retrieve ——— !!!

I, who was weak against computer viruses but strong against biological viruses, resumed my activities (^o^).

Income and Expenditure Reports in Apr. to Jul. 2022

carryover money3,499 yendetails__
internet charges (mon)4,400 yen6,600 yen
domain acquisition fee0 yen_1 yen
domain renewal fee (1yr)0 yen_1,298 yen
buy plugin0 yen_
buy software0 yen_
affiliate income0 yen_
surveyance costs1,220 yen1,220 yen
total9,119 yen9,119 yen

The deficit is near to 10,000, but it is an amount which does not bother me. I will continue making this site only when I would like to, from now and on.
Next is the number of accesses.

How does access aggregation come when I did not make any homepages ?

I could not make this site around here …
My IP address was gone …
But there had been some accesses.

After my access was lost, the number of accesses from other IP addresses were decreased, but the number of accesses had still kept around 250-350. The number of accesses in March is ‘ 432 ‘, so it did not change much. In fact, this site has not yet installed Automattic’s Jetpack or Google’s XML Sitemap Generator ( in other words, it has not spread the name ), so I think that the number of accesses can be maintained depending on the content. Or, I have chosen catchy words such as ” for beginners ” and ” starting from scratch “. So it might be well just by choosing terms. Nothing to say, that’s an important part.

Even I will look at the time spent on the site. Dwell time is an important part of monetization. It’s often said that ” staying time is more than 2 minutes “, right ? !

Aha,ha,ha,ha ——

The percentage of less than 2 minutes was 96.5% !!!

But there are very few people who stay longer than 15 minutes.
You have to catch the hearts of these tolerant people, surely.

I will also see which countries are accessing.

Oh, it’s the worldwide.

It’s kind of diversity development, isn’t it?

If you want to increase the number of accesses, the multilingualization will be essential, I think.

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