Monthly report ( September 2024 )

Income and Expenditure Report in September 2024

carryover money43,344 yendetails__
internet charges (mon)1,100 yen35,200 yen
domain acquisition fee0 yen_1 yen
domain renewal fee (1yr)0 yen_4,198 yen
buy plugin0 yen_
buy software0 yen_
affiliate income0 yen_
surveyance costs0 yen_5,045 yen
total44,444 yen44,444 yen

This month, I was busy with other things ( making a website for my company, etc. ). So my own access became low. Accordingly, the number of other IP accesses has also been low. It is a typical bot symptom.

According to Jetpack, there are 22 visitors, and 30 view pages, and 18 of which are the top page. It’s gradually increasing. It becomes dangerous. There are many things I have to change. For example, Chromebook can display a thumbnail at the bottom right corner when we copy an image, etc.

I will finish as quickly !

To say that, two years been already passed (^^;.

Wrong improvement of the world

While my PC performance was so poor that I cannot get the advantage of Wi-Fi 6, Windows sent a message to us, like this.

What the hell !!

“Magic Select” in Paint 3D is quite useful…

“Paint” the genuine software of Windows is not useful, that “Transparent Selection” doesn’t allow for precise cutting. And on the free software “GIMP”, its “fuzzy select” doesn’t work well, and it’s a hard work to make the points one by one……

It’s also useful for creating 3D models.

This one.

Even if you don’t rotate it by 3D, it’s useful for creating 2D stick figures.

It’s useful as a human body model.

It would be better if its joints can move freely, for medical.

Other wrong improvements

I wanted to mention about how Google’s passkey is troublesome and confusing ( and also there is a limit for 2FA settings), how it’s easy to mistakes when we will use “Place in Cell” in Excel, how WordPress has fewer marker’s colors since switching to the Gutenberg editor, and how it’s no longer possible to specify the position of a page jump, and so on, but…

Do it next month. I’m busy!

Sayonara— (^^)/~~

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