Monthly Report ( Oct. to Dec. 2023 )

Happy New Year !

I was busy in year-end and New Year holidays, so the eye-catching image is reused from last year (^_^;.

Income and Expenditure Report in Oct. to Dec. 2023

carryover money25,817 yendetails__
internet charges (mon)3,300 yen25,300 yen
domain acquisition fee0 yen_1 yen
domain renewal fee (1yr)0 yen_2,596 yen
buy plugin0 yen_
buy software0 yen_
affiliate income0 yen_
surveyance costs3,825 yen5,045 yen
total32,942 yen32,942 yen

There were some months when I did not access this site so much, but the accesses from other IPs kept 600 and more page views. It doesn’t matter what will be. Most came from bots.

How much can Wi-Fi signals be weakened ?

In this month, I tried to weaken the Wi-Fi signals. For this, I bought an aluminum case and aluminum tape, so I spent an additional money of 3,825 yen. I got this idea from my workplace, where the Wi-Fi was inset to the power distribution board. We were sometimes unable to connect to the internet which PC was 5 meters away without any obstructions even. Sometimes we can connect, but sometimes we can’t. In other words, the radio waves are unstable.

When I tried it at home, it was only a little weak at 5 meters away. The Wi-Fi at my workplace is 2.4GHz and the connection becomes poor even if the cover of power distribution board is not shut. We can extend the range of waves when the cover is opened, but in my house, wooden doors cannot make any difference by open and close.

Sealing with aluminum tape was effective. However, I had to stop this test after two weeks because my family started booing. They complained, ” We can’t watch videos ! “

I have done my job. It can make impossible to play videos from 10 meters away. It also can increase the security because ‘ Easy connection ‘ will not work unless the radio wave conditions are good.

It is that Science Requires Sacrifice.

So I enjoy this pain (^^;.

By the way, even if the signal strength is halved, the easy connection can work maybe.

How much is it possible to decrypt the code ?

There is no code that cannot be decrypted ( excluding the encryption to use quantum entanglement ), it is important to know how much the encrypted communications can be decrypted. Actually, I’m searching for this information for recent two years, but I cannot find it out (-_-;.

It is one of the reasons why I creat this site so slowly.

To the end, my ID and password were leaked even when the brute force attacks were not successful. Not only this, my authenticator’s two-step authentication was also broken through. Soon I sued to the police and IPA ( Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan ), Microsoft and Google’s authenticators were immediately upgraded. I could feel like doing something good (^^;.

Maybe the hidden ball trick by hackers was used for this worthless site.

However, it’s not sure whether these updates were caused by my sue.

But I hope the security will continue updating like this.

According to rumors, in China, where is a group of professional hackers are there, they’ve already succeeded analyzing the 1024-bit code ( Maybe they’ve succeeded the more ). I even heard they were analyzing Google’s location information, but I haven’t heard of their success yet. It may be easy for them to decrypt ” Secure Login “, because most of Secure Login is supposed 256-bit code.

Passwordless environments will be no longer secure.

However, it needs ” Man-in-the-middle ” to decrypt the code.

It needs the spy.

Personally, I expect to do their best for Chinese team. If the hacking is successful, the security level will suppose to increase (^^;.

Some professional says, ” Security is based on gentlemen’s agreement.” It means that it is not safe at all.

Only strong competitors can strengthen the security.

—— While I was thinking about these, another few months passed by.

The English version of ” 7. Security Measures.” has gone away.


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