Monthly Report ( Mar. to Apr. 2024 )

Income and Expenditure Report in Mar to Apr 2024

carryover money36,744 yendetails__
internet charges (mon)2,200 yen29,700 yen
domain acquisition fee0 yen_1 yen
domain renewal fee (1yr)0 yen_3,894 yen
buy plugin0 yen_
buy software0 yen_
affiliate income0 yen_
surveyance costs0 yen_5,045 yen
total38,944 yen38,944 yen

In this time, I will use a genuine WordPress table.

It is unexpectedly cool (^^;.

My number of accesses is stable at 10,000.

I don’t remember what I was doing.

According to Jetpack, there were 16 visitors and 20 pages viewed in March. Of those, the top page was viewed 13 times.

There were 19 visitors in April and 24 pages were viewed. Of these, 13 pages were the top page.

The pages other than the top page were viewed unexpectedly, however, I remember that I did unauthorized access to my site pretending someone else (^^;, so it became. In March, there were 15 hackers accessed, and in April, there were 18 hackers accessed.

Let me use a genuine WordPress Table

I always used TablePress for chart ( table ), but when WordPress updated to 6.5.2, there occurs a bug that my sticky buttons are hidden. I’ve made WordPress updating automatically however, I wonder it should be.

Like this conflict is sometimes happened on WordPress. That is a problem.

As TablePress is made for the professionals, so it is hard to use for an amateur like me. It was easier to use when it was a donationware. Easy to input words to cell.

In a free plan, it becomes a left-aligned table with no borders. . .

It would be the time to change it. So I will use a genuine WordPress table at first.

It becomes easier to see.

In the past, I remember that WordPress’s table doesn’t have Header and Footer.

Also, it was hard to see in edit screen. The difficulty is still remained so that the image above is set the contrast to -50%.

Current genuine table is so nice that we can change the alignment as we want. But it is only changed a whole column, so when you want to change the alignment in a cell, you have to change it manually. But when you will use a space, WordPress deletes it automatically for when it displays (-_-;, so you should use a character instead. Input an underbar or other to there, then change the color to white by using Highlights. Also, this table doesn’t have merging cells and importing Excel files like TablePress.

It’s good for creating a simple table. It looks more beautiful. Acceptable.

I’ll use it now on.

However, the bug where sticky buttons are hidden on the table was not resolved.

What kind of specification was it ? ?

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