Monthly Report ( December 2022 )

Income and Expenditure Report in Dec. 2022

carryover money13,519 yendetails__
internet charges (mon)1,100 yen12,100 yen
domain acquisition fee0 yen_1 yen
domain renewal fee (1yr)0 yen_1,298 yen
buy plugin0 yen_
buy software0 yen_
affiliate income0 yen_
surveyance costs0 yen_1,220 yen
total14,619 yen14,619 yen

This month, I escaped from the cookie initialization trap, so I could increase the number of accesses.

No other is changed.

The deficit is increasing, too (^_^;.

There is still no progress on my homepage.

It is always the same, too (^^).

This month’s excuse is short, that was I made a mistake in my job. I am still unable to get out of this mistake. I don’t have much time to do other work by solving it.

Making table of Contents

Although I continues making my site a little, and now what I am challenging is that making ” table of contents ” for every page independently. One of WordPress’s disadvantages is that we cannot create a table of contents which jumps outside the page. If you want to make a table of contents in the sidebar, it will only display the titles and heading blocks in the current page.

It is like this.

—— In order to create a table of contents which jumps outside the page, it is needed to make a special block and manually set the URL, but it cannot be set on the sidebar, which has different content from each page.

So I decided to make a table of contents that allows you to jump outside the page aggressively (^^).

Plugin Recipes

Greenshift – animation and page builder blocks
More than 20 special blocks for Gutenberg to build complex pages and animations with highest possible web vitals score.
Sticky Block for Gutenberg Editor
The Gutenberg Sticky Block will stick at the top of the page once you scroll down.

Using the function of Greenshift’s ‘ Sliding Panel ‘, create the button of ‘ table of contents ‘ with the function of ‘ Flex Box ‘, then type the word of contents, which can appreciate it. However, Greenshift does not have a way to stick the block, so I will install the ‘ Sticky Block for Gutenberg Editor ‘ plugin to stick it to the top of the page.

It’s like this.

From a smartphone, you can see both button rows by holding the screen horizontally.

Three-dimensional buttons are made with guts (^^;.

For too many buttons, smartphone displays them strange. So you create buttons for both of PC and tablet, then change the settings to one is for PC and another is for mobile, from ‘ Responsible and Custom CSS ‘ in Advanced settings.

It is like this.

For PC and tablet
For mobile

You should be careful if you select “Hide on desktop” on your PC, the blocks and buttons are suddenly disappeared from the screen, then you cannot edit them anymore. When you mess up, press the back button on the upper left. You can also change the display mode to ‘ Mobile ‘ in ‘ Preview ‘ on the upper right.

The first measure for failing.
If you cannot edit them on a smartphone, it can be editable when you open the code editor and delete all the code of “responsive”:{“hideOnDesktop”:true} or change it to false. But it might be better to think it of a backhand. If you make a mistake, you will be prompted for block recovery.

Anyway, it is better to set Responsible CSS at the end of editing.

In addition, the Sticky Blocks plug-in does not have a responsive CCS function, I covered it with Greenshift’s Row block, for which the buttons are switched on the PC and the smartphone. Also, as Sticky Block has a transparent background, I set Cocoon’s ‘ Outlines Box ‘ between them, for which buttons and background are not mixed.
I removed this Outlines Box at the block for smartphones, for which reduce the block’s height. The lower buttons are only used when the stickies are overlapping. For example above, the buttons for smartphones can be used.

. . . While I made a block like this, it is ended up with a very complicated tree structure !

I want to skip this explanation at this time. It is very complicated (^^;.

It may be explained on another post someday.

I don’t know whether it is really for beginners (^_^;.

Good-bye ~~

Heading list of Cocoon

( extras )
Heading list on m-tomato skin in Cocoon theme
And, you can see which headings are displayed when you press ” Contents ” button of mobile. It is different Cocoon’s automatically made from block’s made ( In this example, the title of table is not displayed ).

Headline H1

Headline H2

Headline H3

Headline H4

Headline H5
Headline H6

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