Monthly Report ( August 2023 )

Income and Expenditure Report in Aug. 2023

carryover money23,617 yendetails__
internet charges (mon)1,100 yen20,900 yen
domain acquisition fee0 yen_1 yen
domain renewal fee (1yr)0 yen_2,596 yen
buy plugin0 yen_
buy software0 yen_
affiliate income0 yen_
surveyance costs0 yen_1,220 yen
total24,717 yen24,717 yen

In this month, my site is back to normal.

I don’t want people to read my site yet (^^;, it looks good.

Robots are only reading my site ( but it’s not true ).

2% of all accesses are from customers.

Let B-ing chat draw a picture

In August, I challenged to draw a picture by B-ing chat secretly.

The picture I’m aiming is like this.

A picture of my dog ​​Cookie passing through a tube (^_^)/.

I expected getting a good wave, but checking the free illustrations, these are not good.

So I thought, let AI draw it.

Mr. AI must draw a good picture.

I questioned to B-ing chat.

The question is ” Draw an illustration of a big wave “.

Result is ——

It’s real enough.

I must have done a wrong question.

So I changed it to ” Draw an illustration of a cute big wave.”

Result is ——

Something wrong of the mean ” cute “. . .

And I don’t like the touch of oil painting.

So I changed the question to ” Draw a picture of a big cartoon-like wave.”

Result is ——

Still oil paint. . .

By the way, when this command is written by Japanese, it comes this.

Wroooong !!!

Who is the girl, whose body looks like a bird ?!

Anyway, I’ll change the question to ” Draw an illustration of a big wave in CG style “.

Result is ——

No change. . .


Changing it to ” Draw an illustration of a big wave using pixel art “.

Result is ——

I remember these could be seen in the past (^^;.

A bit far from oil paint.


Changing it to ” Draw an illustration of a Japanimation big wave “.

Result is ——

The wave is changed to Hokusai-like.

But he was a printmaker in Edo period, not Japanimation animator.


Changing it to ” Draw an illustration of a big Kawaii wave “.

Result is ——

He did not betray my expectation (^^).

—— After all, I got a picture from free illustrations, and edited it by myself ( the GIF above ). But I rejected this GIF because I loved the previous featured image. Loose and clumsy style looks better.

I like this loose & clumsy illustration. It feels slow & easy.

It’s even good for life being slow & easy (^^;.

Anyway, this month even has been passed by these !

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