Monthly Report ( April to July, 2023 )

Income and Expenditure Report in April to July. 2023

carryover money19,217 yendetails__
internet charges (mon)4,400 yen19,800 yen
domain acquisition fee0 yen_1 yen
domain renewal fee (1yr)0 yen_2,596 yen
buy plugin0 yen_
buy software0 yen_
affiliate income0 yen_
surveyance costs0 yen_1,220 yen
total23,617 yen23,617 yen

Around March, I started finding which web hosting service is best, and in April, Microsoft suddenly announced B-ing Chat. It was very useful unexpectedly, that resolved my unknowns all.

AI — pretty good.

I can do it without any money (^_^)/.

So it only costed the communication charges in this time, too.

The trend of accesses is ——

The access of other IP addresses increased sharply in May and June.

I’ll check the amount of transfer because I’m interested in.

May 2023
June 2023

oh. In June, the transfer volume of other IPs exceeded my transfer volume !

Someone watched my site.

I haven’t made a big publicity yet, so it must have stimulated the knowing persons.

As I am indirectly criticizing Japan’s backward development on the IT field (^^:, there got flaming on my site secretly.

I also check the dwell time.

I heard that the dwell time required for monetization is 1.5 minutes or more, but what is the result ? . .

May 2023
June 2023

Access for 2 minutes or more was 23.2% in May and 12.9% in June. The results showed that there was no relationship between transfer volume and dwell time.

No one browses other persons’ sites for more than 5 minutes, so in the graph above, the problem is how to increase the access time of 2 to 5 minutes.

2–5-minute access was 2.8% in May and 2.6% in June. . .

The road to monetization is still far away (^_^;.

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