Monthly Report ( August 2024 )

Income and Expenditure Report in August 2024

carryover money42,244 yendetails__
internet charges (mon)1,100 yen34,100 yen
domain acquisition fee0 yen_1 yen
domain renewal fee (1yr)0 yen_4,198 yen
buy plugin0 yen_
buy software0 yen_
affiliate income0 yen_
surveyance costs0 yen_5,045 yen
total43,344 yen43,344 yen

According to Jetpack, the number of visitors in August was 23, and the number of page views was 32. The top page was accessed 18 times, and the most accessed page was 2. Account security that was 5 times. It seemed to make something good again. I don’t want anyone to see it yet though (^^;.

There are many things that I have to change.

Experience of using Wi-Fi6

Since Windows had rejected my PC, I gave up using Wi-Fi3 then bought Wi-Fi6, but for I’m still using the Wi-Fi3 settings, I’m not sure whether it is good or bad.

I have often experienced this bug below when I’m playing online games.

I can clearly connect to the internet, however.

I consider it a problem on this online game itself, but it didn’t happen using Wi-Fi3.

It might be a problem with mesh Wi-Fi stream conversion.

Wi-Fi3 showed a behavior for waiting if it couldn’t connect, but Wi-Fi6 quickly lead to show this bug. It looks like the errors increased when the connection became faster. Faster is not always better.

In the hand, Wi-Fi3 had an error that would hang if different devices accessed at the same time. It occurred about once a year. It hasn’t happened on Wi-Fi6 yet. But I’ve practiced a different error instead.

I would expect a solution for this online game itself.

That’s all for this month. End.

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