How to use Google Authenticator

Authenticator provides a strong security with two-step authentication. But many people would use it intuitively. It can be used only to read the QR code by pressing a button. However, it is not backed up the authentication codes, so you will be in trouble when you will change your smartphone.

When you will lose your smartphone, it’s over.

In here, there are the tips of Google Authenticator and how to back it up.

Basic usage

After installing Google Authenticator, follow the navigation and reach the screen below. Microsoft Authenticator has some trouble to link your Microsoft account in here, but Google’s one is easy to reach this screen.

You can scan a QR code by tapping the cross key then tapping the camera icon.

If you save this QR code as an image instead of scanning it directly, two-step authentication will not fail even if you do not back it up.

The details are below.

Never Fail to two-step Authentication
I know it's sudden but, have you ever failed to two-step authentication (2FA) ? There are the cases not to use 2FA by losing or changing your smartphone. I will tell you the technique never fail to this 2FA.

This way works for apps which cannot back up the authentication codes.

Change the order of codes

If you’re tap and hold for more than a second, the code will be selected. And you can change the order.

You will move the code using frequently to the top.

Change the name

It becomes harder to remember when you will create the codes too many.

You can change the name after tapping the authentication code for more than a second.

Let it change the name easy to remember.

Back up verification codes

Select ” Transfer accounts “.

When the QR code appears, save the screen as an image ( screen capture ).

It can be read from an image.

Let you find the way of screen capture by yourself, because it depends on your mobile (^^;. When you will save the image, you can recover the verification codes at any time as long as you’ve kept this image. It’s a good idea to move it to a USB memory stick then hide it somewhere.

Moving files on Android
Tap or click to enlarge

Moving files is a bit difficult for the first time.
In Android smartphone, you can use Google’s ” Files “. It should be somewhere, because Android is developed by Google. However, when you launch ” Files “, you might not find the QR code easily. Many setting windows will appear. You find it with guts (^^;. Once you can find the image, press the button at the top right corner then select ” Move to “. This example is moved it to SD card.

Import verification codes

Import the verification codes from a saved image. It’s good to send it by email ( using Gmail or other ). If you don’t want to send such important information to internet, send it from a USB memory stick to your computer.

You can also print QR codes, but it will be failed.

I failed to import a QR code by scanner (-_-;.

It is said that you should prepare two devices, a new mobile and old one are.

It is afraid of whether the data will be imported and exported properly. Indeed, you cannot do anything when you lose your mobile (^^;.

You should save the QR code as an image.

It doesn’t matter when you will lose your mobile if you save it in advance.

Delete verification code

You can delete the verification code after selecting it. Tap and hold the authentication code for more than a second, a trash icon will appear at the upper right corner. Tap this icon to delete it.

It’s a good idea to try the saved verification codes would work.

The imported codes will not be overwritten, and you can see two same codes. These two will indicate different six-digit numbers. Try to use the imported authentication code, then delete it after you succeeded to access.

A mysterious button

This is ——

When you press this button, the words appear ” Your codes are being saved to your Google account “. You might be afraid of, ” Is it backed up my verification codes ?! “, but that’s not true. It’s backed up a backup code when you set 2FA to your Google account with Authenticator. But this backup code is generated automatically, so this button is used for updating it.
There is a case you cannot use your saved backup codes if you will continue pressing this button wrongly.

It’s a mysterious button that makes you wonder, ” Why is it there in such a place ? ” (^^;.

It doesn’t matter for people who use Google Prompt as 2FA, however.

You got it !

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